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Oproep hb-onderzoek Erasmus Universiteit

Hieronder een oproep van onderzoeker Brian Godor van de Erasmus Universiteit. Hij is een gedreven onderzoeker met kennis van zaken over hoogbegaafdheid en gespecialiseerd in docentvaardigheden. Hij wil graag onderzoek doen bij de BPscholen. Mocht er een school zijn die in relatie tot hoogbegaafdheid een te onderzoeken onderwerp zou willen aandragen, dan beveelt het bestuur hem en zijn studenten graag aan.


My name is Brian Godor and I am assistant professor here at Erasmus University Rotterdam. My
research focuses on gifted students in primary as well as secondary schools. I have researched
topics such as differences between gifted and normative students (within the EU countries) in terms
of belonging, sense of power, and teacher relationships.

I recently came in contact with BPS and was wondering if you would be interested in
doing scientific research with your certified schools? I truly believe these gifted students are precious and special gifts, but face many challenges in their school time. I have seen and interviewed numerous parents and their concerns about curricula that do not meet their children’s needs, teachers that are no skilled in the differentiation of work for these students and too many “tegeltjeswijsheid” that become policy.

I have recently conducted a large-scale (with more than 500 children) survey at Calvijn School
Groene Hart in Barendrecht, where we examined topics such as sense of power in the class room,
social anxiety, peer relationships, and friendship networks between academically advanced students
and normative students.

Additionally, I am currently working with 17 primary schools and Thomas Moore (PABO) to
professionalize teachers to use inquiry based learning as a tool for differentiation for gifted students.

BTW, I understand and speak Dutch fine, it is just my written Dutch is not the best!

Hope to hear from you soon,

Dr. Brian P. Godor
Assistant Professor
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
Erasmus School of Pedagogical and Educational Sciences
Mandeville T13-39
Burg. Oudlaan 50
Postbus 1738 – 3000 DR Rotterdam
T: +31 10 4082410

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